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Mission Statement

The Research Platform “Migration and Integration Research” is an institution of the University of Vienna established in 2009. The Platform’s main objective is to create structured interaction and exchange between migration researchers at the University of Vienna as well as to encourage interdisciplinary research.

The interdisciplinary Research Platform serves as an institution for the promotion of a shared understanding of the different research methodologies on the one hand and for the development of a common theoretical and empirical view on migration processes beyond the traditional and disciplinary boundaries on the other hand.

Institutionalizing an interdisciplinary research discourse

In order to enhance the interdisciplinary research discourse at the University of Vienna the Research Platform organizes activities such as lecture series, scientific workshops and dialogue, as well as a Biennial Conference on Migration and Integration Research. These activities are targeted at the scientific community as well as at practitioners in the field of migration and integration. Another important step in the promotion of cross-disciplinary cooperation was the establishment of a publication series which makes scientific research accessible for a broad audience.

Creating research initiatives

One of the most exciting challenges of the platform is to stimulate and encourage joint research projects on an interdisciplinary level. Especially the promotion of young researchers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and of innovative projects lies at the heart of the Platform’s functions. 



Research Platform Migration and Integration Research
University of Vienna

NIG, Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-23201
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0